My Reason

My sweet Elijah has used every wish, every prayer, every day to ask for my complete healing. I knew in 2008 because God told me when I first started getting really sick that things were going to get much worse but He would heal me only when His timing is right and He receives the glory for my healing. For those of you that do not know, I have Idiopathic Gastroparesis caused by a genetic condition known as Autonomic Dysfunction. I am currently on IV nutrition through a central line and on several medications. I had a gastric pacer implanted in 2010 to alleviate some of my symptoms and it worked well for 6 months but my nerves quit responding and I finally had it removed this January. In other words it did get much worse. I start this blog now because I know God will not let my baby's faith die.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 166

It's me again, Margaret. My colonoscopy went great. I had a few polyps they are sending to pathology. That for sure is not the cause of my sudden onset of iron deficiency anemia. He wanted to test for celiac but another doctor already ruled it out. I think next is a small bowel endoscopy, and after that I am not sure if they will do a bone marrow study or what. I am still having a whole bunch of pain with my stomach and my migraines and nothing I throw at it helps. I had a Toridol shot Wednesday after my scope I saw my PCP and the Toridol helped for almost 2 days but for me to get the shot I have to go in and the nasal spray is $200.00 for a 5 day supply and once you open a vial you have to throw it away in 24hrs.
I really want to see my brother, Seth and Amanda and Brookelynn before they move away.  I can't wait to see Misty, Robbie, Lexi, and Jaxeyn, They will be here to 5th. Hope is exhausted from the week of TCA camp but she did awesome on her first exhibition. This summer is flying by and before I know it we will have to be in Jacksonville, then Hope will have band camp and Noah leaves for college. I got Elijah's second grade curriculum in and I just know he will love it. There is so much hands on stuff and I will have a plan in action for my sick days, which I pray will be gone by then, where he does mainly computer based work. 
My migraine is blurring my vision and I have to take something for my nausea so I am done for today. If anyone has any needs or prayer requests please put them in my comment section so we can all pray. 

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