My Reason

My sweet Elijah has used every wish, every prayer, every day to ask for my complete healing. I knew in 2008 because God told me when I first started getting really sick that things were going to get much worse but He would heal me only when His timing is right and He receives the glory for my healing. For those of you that do not know, I have Idiopathic Gastroparesis caused by a genetic condition known as Autonomic Dysfunction. I am currently on IV nutrition through a central line and on several medications. I had a gastric pacer implanted in 2010 to alleviate some of my symptoms and it worked well for 6 months but my nerves quit responding and I finally had it removed this January. In other words it did get much worse. I start this blog now because I know God will not let my baby's faith die.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

What is God going to do today?

This morning the pastor of Foundry, Chad Brooks, spoke about how God provided Manna from Heaven on a daily basis. How he provides our needs each and every day. I want to share with you a personal experience of God's provision and why I am alive today. My illness had gotten much worse. I could not hold down any food and it came to the point that I could not hold down even a sip of water. I knew I needed to go to the doctor. I knew I needed IV fluids. I was in bad shape. The doctor took my blood work and came back to me with a most confounding and frustrating answer. He said, "I am not saying you're lying, but you are eating something you are not telling me about because your blood work doesn't line up with what you are saying. I can see you are a little dry, but I am not going to give you IV Fluids." I went home so angry, knowing my body could not survive without some source of sustenance. Why wouldn't that doctor give me fluids? Within a couple of days I ended up in the emergency room and it took them 37 times of sticking me to find a vein. Severely dehydrated at this point, possibly because I tried to hold down a few sips of water only to throw up way more than I put down, I had to wonder why that doctor who wasn't saying I was lying, was saying I was lying. I knew God has instilled in me the verse Mathew 4:4 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." He did that way before I got so sick. Back when I had my own line of cookies, "Heaven's To Betsy's" Gourmet Cookies. I put that verse on every cookie and tub of cookie dough I sold. So obviously it was drilled in my head. God knew there would come a day when I could have no bread, no water, no food of any kind. That doctor was so perplexed by my blood work, because it was proof of a miracle. One of many to come. God was sustaining me, keeping my body from being without necessary nutrients. Keeping me alive despite what medical science understands. God promises to to supply your every need. The thing is, He will prove it time and time again because He truly is a God of Love. Long before my illness took over our world we went through another extremely difficult time. A business venture we had failed and neither my husband or I could find a job. I thought for sure we would lose everything. But the strangest thing happened. We had more food in our cupboards than we ever had before. Somehow all of our necessities were met at just the right time. I went from waking up worrying, "What are we going to do today?" To waking up smiling and asking God, "What are You going to do today?" During this time of uncertainty, shortages, and isolation we all need to step back, stop worrying and wondering what to do and start expecting looking to God and asking what is He going to do today! 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Time for us all to #Countdowntohealing

While I was still sick, before I even knew what was wrong with me God came to me, personally. I sat on my bed crying out to Him and He came to me. He explained to me that He would heal me and I would be able to share with the world what He had done for me. But first, things were going to get much worse, and boy did they ever. But this is not about my story, this is about what is going on throughout our world right now. Guess what? Things are going to get worse before they get better. But God is about to work in a mighty way. We all need to cry out to Him to calm our fears, heal our illnesses, and restore our land. We need to listen to His voice and do what He is calling us to do. Many people may be asking, "How can I discern His voice?" There are a few things, but if you know God, you know He will never tell you to do anything that contradicts His word. Personally I have learned He speaks to me from within, because He is a part of me. If I hear a voice whispering in my ear, it's not God. It may sound really good, even right, but it is never what God has planned and the enemy knows if he cannot get us to do something bad, he can get us to do something "good" to keep us from God's best for us! So right now, if we will all cry out to God and listen, patiently wait and listen, He will guide us showing us the next steps to take. The entire face of the world is changing right now. It is up to us to be the light for what comes next.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Healing is for Everyone!

My story is long and pretty amazing, but I have to say I always knew it was never about me. God showed me throughout my trial that He was always there, moving, working, using me. I haven't written on here in a long time. It will be 4 years this June since God healed me. I have to say since then a whole lot of life has happened but a whole lot of waiting has happened as well. But with everything going on in this mad world today I felt the need to share a ray of sunshine. Many people of very strong faith asked me why it took so long for God to heal me. Was my faith not strong enough? Was I doing something wrong? The truth is God's timing is always perfect. Even when we may not understand. He created my story from beginning to end and though He has yet to show me everything, probably because He knows me well enough to know I would try to make it happen my way, He fills me with such love and hope and strength. When Jesus walked on this earth He healed everyone who came to Him with simple faith, the faith of a child. Think about that for a moment. When a child is born, they are completely helpless. They have to have faith that their needs will be met. I know many children learn the cruelty of this world way too soon, but even children in the most dire circumstances have a faith stronger than many devout Christians. I understand this is a scary time and the things going on in the world are completely out of our control. But that is where the #faithofachild comes in. Because when we know that God is in complete control then we know there is nothing to fear. We can also know that if we come to Him with that simple faith He will meet us where our needs are, heal our diseases, our hearts, and our minds. I pray He fills you all with the #faithofachild  and that we see something far greater than we ever could have imagined come from this trial!