My Reason

My sweet Elijah has used every wish, every prayer, every day to ask for my complete healing. I knew in 2008 because God told me when I first started getting really sick that things were going to get much worse but He would heal me only when His timing is right and He receives the glory for my healing. For those of you that do not know, I have Idiopathic Gastroparesis caused by a genetic condition known as Autonomic Dysfunction. I am currently on IV nutrition through a central line and on several medications. I had a gastric pacer implanted in 2010 to alleviate some of my symptoms and it worked well for 6 months but my nerves quit responding and I finally had it removed this January. In other words it did get much worse. I start this blog now because I know God will not let my baby's faith die.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


     Please pray that Elijah does not have my genetic mutation because at his age I started getting recurring appendicitis until I was 12 and has to have an emergency appendectomy, after that it was illnesses no one could figure out and no one else got sick. As an adult it took over 10 years to finally get the right diagnosis, and I don't wish this on anybody. Even last night Elijah kept trying to do things to make me feel better because he kept saying " you are so much sicker and have been for so long."
     I don't want his whole childhood to be remembered as having a sick mommy. Noah and Hope have really great childhood memories and yes Elijah does have a lot of great memories but I just want him to know me as the mom Noah and Hope know.
     Right now and all night long he has been holding his tummy from pain and I just pray he gets better right away and no one anywhere in my bloodline has the illness I have. For those of you in this world that know this illness and all the frustration that goes along with it first hand, I pray they find a cure soon and very soon because no one on this entire planet, no matter what kind of person, deserves this dreadful disease.

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