My Reason

My sweet Elijah has used every wish, every prayer, every day to ask for my complete healing. I knew in 2008 because God told me when I first started getting really sick that things were going to get much worse but He would heal me only when His timing is right and He receives the glory for my healing. For those of you that do not know, I have Idiopathic Gastroparesis caused by a genetic condition known as Autonomic Dysfunction. I am currently on IV nutrition through a central line and on several medications. I had a gastric pacer implanted in 2010 to alleviate some of my symptoms and it worked well for 6 months but my nerves quit responding and I finally had it removed this January. In other words it did get much worse. I start this blog now because I know God will not let my baby's faith die.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 201

                This may be the most important letter I have ever written.  I implore you to take the time to read this correspondence.  This is extremely time sensitive information and your assistance is greatly needed.  Hope Hutson is my daughter and on the ninth day of October in the year two thousand thirteen she shall reach a milestone that should be celebrated without reservation, Sweet Sixteen. 
                Before she was born, her father and I prayed that she would be so full of life that she could not bottle it up and that describes her most precisely.  As a young child, even in pre-k 3 her teacher said she felt like if she needed to leave the classroom that for any period of time she knew all of her students would be in good hands with Hope. That is a trait Hope possesses to this day. Not only is she extremely kind, loving, giving, and devoted; she is also very beautiful inside and out.  Her generosity knows no bounds, she even once told me, “Mom, I know most people give to receive, but we receive to give.  She has always wanted to start a non-profit learn every way possible to assist our community.
 On top of everything else, she is quite brilliant.  She had been homeschooled until last year, her freshman year in high school. During her first year back in public school she not only thrived, but excelled.  She received the honor of being ranked number 1 in her class with an overall GPA of 4.0 but her percentage grade was above that at 103%.  She is already receiving college recruitments and has been accredited with a letter of recognition from the White House.  She is honored to be in the local chapter of the Beta Club.  Hope’s school involvement goes beyond academic to extracurricular activities.  Last year in theater for their final grade each student was assigned the writing of a poem and reciting it in front of the entire school. She took this assignment above and beyond, not only writing a poem but also arranging background music and choreographing a dance to go in the middle and at the end.  Executed so perfectly, the principal of the school found her, put his arm around her shoulder and told her how proud he was of her. He also told her that the band director wanted her on his color guard team and though tryouts were over he set up a special one for her.  She also intends to join the tennis team this year.

I have dealt with personal medical issues most of my life, but at this juncture in time everything else has taken a back seat to my illness.  When Hope was still being homeschooled, she took over the cleaning and cooking and on days when I was too ill, she taught my youngest son, Elijah, his kindergarten lessons.  None of this was expected of her, but she willingly took it upon herself.  She even took over planning birthday parties for our family and friends because our family has always put a major emphasis on birthdays.  When we decided Christmas should be about Jesus and not the gifts, we decided that on individual birthdays it should be all about that person and over time the celebration extended to an entire month.
Now after three paragraphs I am finally reaching the reason for this correspondence.  Two years ago I was so ill, I almost lost my life, but what I did not know was Hope knew how close to death I was.  I tried so hard to shield them from that, to protect them.  Knowing how difficult things were for me and after Elijah scratched his cornea with the edge of a magazine and after 3 eye doctors, we finally had to take him to the ER to sedate him to get his eye opened and examined; Hope decided to cancel her own birthday party.  She is so selfless and would give you her last dollar if she thought you needed it. Because of this and so much more she deserves the Sweet Sixteen of a lifetime.  I know two months is short notice but if you have the heart and can help please let me know.
Her color theme is baby blue, silver, and white; and she wants a scavenger hunt, homage to the “Sweet’ in Sweet 16 with an overload of sweets, hors d'oeuvres, mock tails, a photo booth, a video diary, a sign in photo frame, an amazing cake, time to mingle and time to dance specifically no dirty dancing or lyrics.  She has big dreams including a baby blue Mustang, meeting Big Time Rush and going to a concert, meeting John Cena, Cody Rhodes, and other WWE superstars and going to Raw or a Pay-Per-View. Naturally, Wrestle Mania is her favorite.  She also loves Ellen and all she does to brighten peoples lives; Rachel Ray, and even does a show very similar to hers as she is creating recipes.  Superman is her favorite superhero but she has grown to love the new CW series Arrow.  If I had it in my power, I would make all of this happen for her because she more than deserves it and it would in no way diminish her humbleness.
She loves to write stories and songs, singing and dancing are passions of hers along with acting and most of all making people laugh and smile from their heart. Her beauty is unmatched and she has even been accused of wearing too much makeup when she had none on.  I have to say her best trait is her openness and honesty, and that never fails no matter what the circumstance may be.

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