This one is a doozi. Once I had my healing I had to let go of the idea that everything would be right with the world because we live in an imperfect fallen world. I had to let go of the idea that everything would just fall into place. After 10 years of being on the couch loosing day, weeks, and even months, I would have to relearn how to live. I work myself to death sometimes and seem to accomplish absolutely nothing. I have to learn to let myself be okay with that. Even though it has been over a year I still have a long way to go. I just have to remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Recently I have had to learn a very difficult lesson. Letting go of things that are out of your hands because someone else made the decision to get rid of things that had precious memories to you but only painful ones to them. If I think about it, it is still so hard, so painful to know so much of our history is just gone. Things you could have shared with so many people. I have told myself over and over that they are just things I still have all of the precious memories. Every time it wells up and hurts so badly I have to let it go all over again. I really hope one day it will no longer be painful. I try to constantly forgive and understand where others are coming from. I always pray for those who have caused me pain until I feel the pain no longer. Getting really personal it worked on the family member who molested me. I can be in the same room with them and be nice and polite. I no longer harbor any bad feelings. Now, I would never leave that person alone with my daughter. Because you learn from your pains in life. But I have truly forgiven them and I guess I have to remember that as I learn to let go of this situation. God truly does give beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning, and peace for despair! I hope this helps you let go of whatever may be troubling you. Know you too can have God's healing power in your life! If He saw fit to heal me He can certainly heal you! All you have to do is ask and believe, and if your faith is wavering ask for the faith to be healed. He will give you that too!
This is my journey to healing from a rare and ugly disease. I hope to be an advocate for all rare diseases that are often misdiagnosed or worse left to think it is not real.
My Reason
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Where is the Love
This has been on my heart for several days now and I think it is amazing how God will keep bringing what He wants you to hear and share to the forefront of your mind. Either with a song or a conversation or even the verse of the day. Youversion's verse today it 1 Corinthians 13:1 " Though I speak with the tounge of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clinging cymbal." Many churches and Christians today leave out the most important part of it all, the love. It was never our job to judge others, so why are we so judgemental? Why do we look down on other people? If we learn just how Jesus did things, we would know that we are acting more like Pharisees than anything. It is our job to shine the light of God on people and love them. Truly love them no matter what. God is the one who convicts people of their sin. God holds everyone accountable to His standards. It is not up to us to hold people accountable to our standards. We love and in so doing it shines God's light on everyone. In that light, darkness cannot hide. It is the light that changes people. When we try to do it ourselves, we only turn people away from the light. So next time we want to think or say something about somebody or to somebody let's ask ourselves, "Where is the love?" If it is not there we are the ones who need to make a change!